Report of abnormal tail regeneration of Eremias yarkandensis (Sauria: Lacertidae) and its locomotor performance

发布时间:2025-01-24 来源:科学技术处 作者:时磊 浏览次数:2346

Abstract: Caudal autotomy is a phenomenon observed in many reptile taxa, and tail loss is a pivotal functional trait for reptiles, with potentially negative implications for organism fitness due to its influence on locomotion. Some lizard species can regenerate a lost tail, which sometimes can lead to the development of more than one tail (i.e., abnormal tail regeneration) in the process. However, little is currently known about the impact of abnormal tail regeneration on locomotor performance. In this study, we document abnormal tail regeneration in Eremias yarkandensis, a reptile species native to northwestern China. Additionally, we investigated the sprint speed and endurance performance of these lizards. This study provides the first report on abnormal tail regeneration and its locomotor performance on a Chinese reptile. We suggest that the abnormal regeneration of tails may contribute to the accumulation of food reserves in the species. In light of our findings, we propose that herpetologists continue to share their sporadic observations and assess the locomotor performance of species experiencing abnormal tail regeneration, further expanding our understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.

Keywords: bifurcated, caudal autotomy, endurance, lizards, sprint speed

Ecology and Evolution - 2024 - Liang - Report of abnormal tail regeneration of Eremias yarkandensis  Sauria  Lacertidae.pdf

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