Abstract: Periodate oxidation has been the widely accepted route for obtaining aldehyde group-functionalized polysaccharides but significantly influenced the various physicochemical properties due to the ring opening of the backbone of polysaccharides. The present study, for the first time, presents a novel method for the preparation of aldehyde group-functionalized polysaccharides that could retain the ring structure and the consequent rigidity of the backbone. Pectin was collected as the representative of polysaccharides and modified with cyclopropyl formaldehyde to obtain pectin aldehyde (AP), which was further crosslinked by DL-lysine (LYS) via the Schiff base reaction to prepare injectable hydrogel. The feasibility of the functionalization was proved by FT-IR and 1H NMR techniques. The obtained hydrogel showed acceptable mechanical properties, self-healing ability, syringeability, and sustained-release performance. Also, as-prepared injectable hydrogel presented great biocompatibility with a cell proliferation rate of 96 %, and the drug-loaded hydrogel exhibited clear inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. Overall, the present study showed a new method for the preparation of aldehyde groupfunctionalized polysaccharides, and the drug-loaded hydrogel has potential in drug release applications.
Aldehyde group pendant-grafted pectin-based injectable hydrogel.pdf